Saturday, March 17, 2012

Free 1-day training events for SQL Server

PASS SQLSaturday’s are free 1-day training events for SQL Server professionals that focus on local speakers, providing a variety of high-quality technical sessions, and making it all happen through the efforts of volunteers. Whether you're attending a SQLSaturday or thinking about hosting your own, we think you'll find it's a great way to spend a Saturday – or any day.

Visit for more information.

On the March 24th, there will be one in the OC!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Importing from Excel into myphpadmin

Have an excel file with the information. The excel file cannot have any additional information like labels or headers.

Save the file as

In myphpadmin
select import
browse to the file
uncheck the box for partial import (we don't want a partial import)
change 'Fields terminated by' to a comma.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Reorder Fields - mysql myphpadmin

TO change the order of fields:

ALTER TABLE table_name MODIFY COLUMN field_name definition AFTER other_field_name

definition = the type of field it is
Such as VARCHAR or INT

ALTER TABLE Games_Mechanic MODIFY COLUMN Mechanic_ID int AFTER Game_ID